Unser Heft 50 ist gerade frisch aus der Druckerei eingetroffen. Darin auch das Interview mit Sohrab Shahid Saless von 1977 "Stilles Leben in der Fremde", wiederabgedruckt im dreibändigen Werk "Die langen Ferien des Sohrab Shahid Saless. Annäherungen an ein Leben und Werk" von Behrang Samsami. Am 28. Juni 2024 wäre Saless achtzig geworden. Ein Gastbeitrag zum Anlass.
„In the movement initiated by the Gezi Park Resistance, we, as filmmakers, artists and writers of this country, condemn acts of censorship and the disregard of the principles of neutral and objective journalism by all mainstream television channels, especially NTV, CNN Türk, Habertürk, Kanal D, ATV, Star, Show TV and TRT, as well as, some newspapers, especially Star, Sabah and Habertürk, which have always defined themselves as Turkey’s prominent and objective media institutions.
The Gezi Park Resistance and the protests all around the country are actions that spontaneously arose out of the people’s common conscience, independent of political affiliation. These actions symbolize an awakening of consciousness in Turkey, and worldwide, against a regime of oppression which increases its authoritarian presence every day. The common aim of those who participate in these peaceful actions is to claim their right to a life of freedom, and the right to contribute to the decisions about the place they live in, their own city and natural environment. Much to our surprise and regret, possibly, in order to not oppose the political authorities or business magnates, we have observed that the mainstream media has featured almost nothing about this resistance movement. The provocative and aggressive approach of the police against this movement, which sometimes goes as far as trying to kill people, has also been barely covered by our mainstream media. However, as we have all witnessed, the media’s disregard has only served to reveal to Turkey and the rest of the world, the hidden agenda of those who disdain and attempt to subvert the resistance.
We invite all concerned media companies in this historic moment to immediately leave their complacency, to broadcast and to publish with principles of unbiased and objective journalism, and to contribute to the establishment of a democratic and free media. This is a historic moment. An independent media will lay the grounds of trust and freedom for all of us. We will continue to witness this process.“
Kutlug Ataman, Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Yesim Ustaoglu, Fatih Akin, Zeki Demirkubuz and Semih Kaplanoglu among many others
(eingestellt von Nicolas)